Interview with the founder of CryptoB2B on the topic of honest processes in the ICO, massive violations of the rights of protecting the interests of investors, about the method to reduce losses due to the skam (use of the decentralized escrow Standartico)
In the video – an interview with Dmitry after the conference CryptoShow, where he made a report and was in a group of experts (judges).
Dmitry Borodin (CryptoB2B), Sergey Sarkisian ( and Denis Kozminykh (CryptoShow/ShowICO founder) plan to jointly launch a new project. Now the technical basis is being prepared, how to implement and launch a decentralized voting procedure for projects at CryptoShow, so that experts (judges) directly could vote for projects directly in the detachment and thereby make a decision on real investment in projects. The block solution will supply CryptoB2B and will further be a technical partner who can be responsible for the ideal integrity, security and transparency of investment allocation methods.
Talk about highload, the architecture of large scale projects and the history of Topface creation (CEO CryptoB2B is also co-founder of Topface, Imigize, etc). In Topface about 115 million users. About 66% of users are not from Russia. Attendance: peak – 2,000,000 DAU, an average of 1.6 million unique people a day. At the same time, up to 90,000 people can be online. Now we have about 400-500 servers. Traffic is 1 Gbit / s, about 25,000 requests to SQL per second, 60,000 concurrent connections (Established) to nginx, about 8,000 requests per second to php (dynamic load), the volume of all MySQL databases is 60 Tb. The development team – 50 people, the whole company – 110.
Since 2011, the master class “Development of a large scalable project from scratch”, theses and the program –